Free Stuff

Support | Encourage | Inspire

As an extension of our commitment to uplift female entrepreneurs, below are links to a range of free resources that deliver immediate value to your business journey. Whether you’re launching a startup or growing an established venture, you’ll find tools and knowledge designed to support, encourage and inspire your success – both in business and in life.

Networking Top Tips

Networking might seem scary. Trust me when I say; it really can be an inclusive, supportive experience for all. This free guide includes ten top tips to turn you from a nervous networker into a social butterfly!

The HDSDI Podcast

Join Jo Ferrone as she sits down with a range of expert guests, who share their candid stories, hard-won wisdom, and practical strategies in a way that is both inspiring and refreshingly honest. Available on all podcast platforms.

Planning Social Media

If the thought of planning and creating social media content fills you with dread, then fear not! This is the guide for you. The simple, repeatable steps contained in this free guide can help turn you into a digital diva!

Telling your story

Your story isn’t just a CV or bit of background colour; its the unique bridge that connects you with your ideal clients. We explain exactly why telling it is so vital both to establishing your branding, and to make lasting connections with your audience.

Benefits Of Co-working

If you haven’t considered online co-working, I’d urge you to give it a go. It provides accountability and a sense of community, keeping you motivated and overcoming business owner isolation. This FREE guide explains how and why it works.

HDSDI Habit Tracker

I love a habit tracker! If you’re not familiar with how a habit tracker works, its a document designed to allow you to keep a record of positive habits you’re trying to develop, so that you have a sense of both progress AND accountability.

Achieving Work / Life Balance

Ask any small business owner their biggest challenge, and you can be sure that ensuring balance between work commitments and the rest of their life will be high on the list. Balance IS possible though, as this guide relays…

Inspirational Business Quotes

Sometimes, the well of inspiration just runs dry – it does for all of us! Rest assured, when you’ve dug deep and come up empty-handed, a little third party inspiration is at hand… 

About the podcast

Jo Ferrone explores finding a gentle balance in both business and life because, as she says “being kind to ourselves is our superpower”. In a world where women are told they can do everything, Jo believes we can indeed do anything but trying to do it all often leads to overwhelm, burnout & health problems. Jo is excited to support women on their business journey with her uniquely holistic and empathetic approach and welcomes a range of expert guests who bring both wisdom & inspiration in equal measure.

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