Eek, this is awkward. I’m not sure how to deal with it to be honest!


Running the How DOES she do it?! Community puts me in a blessed position – whenever anyone in my home or my work life asks me if I know of a certain type of product maker or service provider, I can pretty much always passionately make a personal recommendation.


I speak from the heart; I don’t just remember people’s businesses but also their personality and way of working too, so I cater my answer accordingly to the person I’m speaking with.


The thing is, there is a downside to running this community (and I admit, it’s a wonderful problem to have!). I am now in a position where I could recommend, and do recommend more than one person at a time because it’s so hard to pick!


For me personally, HDSDI is growing so fast that I now need to employ more people myself. And I’m lucky that YOU are probably the person I’ll end up working with and I won’t need to look outside of our community!


It’s amazing that I don’t need to spend hours googling to find someone, but … as the community of you incredible women has grown so much, and I’ve met so many of you too, I am quite literally spoiled for choice!! So I sit here today debating who to contact about a project and I don’t know what to do! I can’t be seen to pick ‘favourites’ but at the same time I’ll need to make a decision sooner rather than later as I need to get this project off the ground.


So, for now I’ve decided to reach out to one lovely lady from each of my networking locations and ask that they quote me for the work, tell me how they’d plan to work with me, and then I’ll need to make the very difficult decision of choosing just one of them.


It won’t be easy, but I am truly grateful to have so many talented, wonderful and expert women in my life.


You ladies inspire me everyday; in my online community, as 1:1/group programme clients and of course at my networking events too.


If we could see how much connection, collaboration, friendship, business, support and kindness is rippling from How DOES she do it?! I honestly think it would blow our minds.


I have 7 speaking engagements coming up between now and the end of April and I very much look forward to singing your praises amazing women – you don’t know how INCREDIBLE you are!


Thank you for being a valued member of our community. I’m so grateful. If you haven’t yet braved sharing in the online community or coming to one of our networking events then please do – people remember you, recommend you, support you and work with you too! Don’t be shy, step forward and join us!