Waiting until the stars are aligned, my ducks are in a row, the house is perfect, the washing’s up to date, I’m 100% ready means it will NEVER happen. Because that day will never come and all opportunities I’m aiming for will have dried up and vanished into the ether!
This has got to stop, and at last I’ve realised that I just have to dive right in.
It doesn’t actually matter if mistakes might be made; I mean mistakes, for goodness sake are what we learn from aren’t they? This is what I teach my children every day and this (hilariously) is what they remind me of when I say I’ve done something wrong!
I’ve read the quote.
“What if I fall?”
“Oh but my darling, what if you fly?”
I KNOW this stuff
I TEACH this stuff
It is within me, so why oh WHY am I not practicing what I preach?
Why have I been teetering on the edge of what could be so supportive, successful and wonderful? My feet have literally been glued to the spot! Desperate to make the jump but never quite managing it fully.
Momentum is what I need, so I will take this jump, make this flight, enjoy every free-falling moment, wait excitedly for my parachute to burst open and then blooming well enjoy the ride, relish the view, learn along the way and then truly believe I can do it. Because I will indeed be doing it!
I am ready (as I’ll ever be)
I am so excited!
I have many supporters
And I’ve worked so hard for this
I am ready to fail, pick myself up, dust myself down and learn from every mistake along the way. I shall cherish the highs, remain a present and connected Mum and build more structure to my workload & life as I realise that this is what I’ve been craving for a long time now!
I’ll carry on dreaming, but start doing, believing and achieving more.
Go girl!
Go inspire
Go support
Keep active
Keep well
Keep talking
Get out in nature
Sing when you want to
Dance when you want to
Pick up the phone
Keep smiling
Be proud
Love your life x
Amazing! Keep writing Jo!
Thank you I shall do – I have so much ready to share.
I absolutely love this, resonated with me on so many levels. The quote really got to me, so powerful as well as the words you have written. Your words and life experiences are going to have so much impact on others or should I say continue to have an impact as actually you’ve been inspirational for a long time x
I am so happy to hear this resonated with you Rebecca and thank you – I love to support others x
Love it and Live it! x x x
I’m so happy to hear that – well done Renée! xxx
Love it! Go girl!
Aww Holly, thank you so much!
Embrace a new opportunity when it arises – it has arrived for a reason.
Wow Jackie, thank you, you are so insightful x
Lovely heartfelt words so beautifully put that really resonate with me, many thanks Jo! Wishing you all the very best on your adventures, living your passion and thriving!
I’m so looking forward to joining you, thinking it will be a little longer though; as my Daughter is 3 in June and Son is 21 months. Being pretty full on is an understatement! …and such a blessing! X
Bless you Natasha! You are a busy bee right now! Thank you so much for your mind words – I’m so happy they resonated with you! x
Love it Jo. Showing up for your tribe by being your authentic self!
Thank you so much Caitlin! This is me, authentic and honest, always 🙂
‘What if I fail’?
‘Oh, but my darling, what if you fly’?
This reminded me of my father’s 70th birthday. I bought him a day of gliding at a local airfield. The glider gets into the sky by two methods. 1. It is towed up by a powered plane. Or, 2. It is catapulted up by a device on the ground.
We can all fly and we can all help others to fly. Thanks, Jo, for reminding me of my Dad, of those who have towed me and that I can help others to fly. We all can!
‘What, my darlings, if we ALL fly’?
Oh Linda – you are such a wonderful writer, and you’ve brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for reading, and thank you for your beautiful insight too x
Your post sparked something in me 🙂
Just WOW!
For so many of us procrastination is the thief of time and also comparison to other people which with social media is so difficult to avoid! Love your chatty blogs! x
Absolutely! Thank you so much for liking my blogs – I’m so grateful you had a read! x
Hi Jo, I was drawn to read this blog as I’m preparing my talk for HDSDI?! networking this Friday, 10th May. I’ll be sharing part of my story for the very first time. It feels scary, but it feels right. I know everyone there will be cheering me on. I can’t say I feel ready, I am going to do it and carry on regardless (cue for a song there !) . Thank you for your insightful, candid and open blog posts. You’re soooo inspiring and I feel so happy to have met you and to be getting to know you better, xxx
Awww Bev, this is lovely.
I can’t wait for you to speak at the event! If you waited ’till you were ready, you’d be a long time waiting. Like you say, you know you’ll be supported and I know you will feel you’ve made a huge step forward once you’ve done it! And I know you’ll enjoy it too!! Thank you for such a lovely compliment too – and yes, I am so happy to have met you too! Jo x