Waiting until the stars are aligned, my ducks are in a row, the house is perfect, the washing’s up to date, I’m 100% ready means it will NEVER happen. Because that day will never come and all opportunities I’m aiming for will have dried up and vanished into the ether!

This has got to stop, and at last I’ve realised that I just have to dive right in.

It doesn’t actually matter if mistakes might be made; I mean mistakes, for goodness sake are what we learn from aren’t they? This is what I teach my children every day and this (hilariously) is what they remind me of when I say I’ve done something wrong!

I’ve read the quote.

“What if I fall?”
“Oh but my darling, what if you fly?”

I KNOW this stuff
I TEACH this stuff
It is within me, so why oh WHY am I not practicing what I preach?

Why have I been teetering on the edge of what could be so supportive, successful and wonderful? My feet have literally been glued to the spot! Desperate to make the jump but never quite managing it fully.

Momentum is what I need, so I will take this jump, make this flight, enjoy every free-falling moment, wait excitedly for my parachute to burst open and then blooming well enjoy the ride, relish the view, learn along the way and then truly believe I can do it. Because I will indeed be doing it!

I am ready (as I’ll ever be)
I am so excited!
I have many supporters
And I’ve worked so hard for this

I am ready to fail, pick myself up, dust myself down and learn from every mistake along the way. I shall cherish the highs, remain a present and connected Mum and build more structure to my workload & life as I realise that this is what I’ve been craving for a long time now!

I’ll carry on dreaming, but start doing, believing and achieving more.

Go girl!
Go inspire
Go support
Keep active
Keep well
Keep talking
Get out in nature
Sing when you want to
Dance when you want to
Pick up the phone
Keep smiling
Be proud
Love your life x